DOMO Capital ManagementDOMO Capital Management

Decisive | Contrarian | Composed | Resolute

Waukesha, WI 53189


Elevating Investment Expectations

About us

DOMO Capital Management, LLC, founded in 2007 by Justin Dopierala and headquartered in Waukesha, Wisconsin, is a Wisconsin Registered Investment Advisor.

As of December 31, 2023 DOMO managed $18.8 million in assets.

DOMO firmly believes that a concentrated portfolio, chosen via a repeatable discipline emphasizing undervalued and out of favor stocks with solid fundamentals, leads to superior risk adjusted returns over the long-term. Fundamental to success with this approach is an investors patience and long term orientation, as return patterns are often out of sync with broader market patterns.

We are also concerned about return of capital, and might use a larger cash position and other techniques when overall market conditions appear troublesome.

Dave Ribbens joined Justin as partner in 2018, in order to build a more robust business infrastructure for the benefit of current and future clients. We are eager to continue to work for you, and grow DOMO Capital, by providing attractive risk-adjusted returns and a positive client experience.